Celebrating the 30th Anniversary of June 3 Mabo Day

"...declare that the Meriam people are entitled as against the whole world to possession, occupation, use and enjoyment of the lands of the Murray Islands… ”

We would like to pay our respects to the Meriam People, owners of the land and sea of the Murray Islands. We would also like to pay our respects to the Meriam elders past and present.

​​Team Mills Foundation visited the Home of Native Title - Mer Island, Torres Strait, Australia - celebrating the 30th anniversary of June 3, Mabo Day. 

The beautiful Meriam culture and traditions are still being practiced today which Team Mills Foundation had the pleasure of witnessing and participating in. From language, story-telling, dancing, singing, basket weaving, and learning about traditional gardening, we have been fully immersed and inspired by the strength of Meriam culture and peoples. Through respectful listening to elders' knowledge and wisdom we have gained and learnt insight that will be carried with us forever.

Team Mills Foundation was proud to be able to help supply traditional Island dresses and Island shirts for community members. This was the attire that was worn throughout the week-long festivities.



The Murray (Mer) Island Group comprises three islands: Mer, Dauar, and Waier.

The Torres Strait is home of Native Title in Australia. Native Title is in fact the traditional laws and customs of Australia's Indigenous people.

"Our native title recognition stretches from the tops of the hills, down to the sea bed, and out through the economic and traditional boundaries of Meriam sea country. From the grass on our land to the birds in the sky, the Clams, the Trochus, the Prawns, the Beach de Mer in our seas hold great importance to us as Meriam people. This decision shows the world that when people come to visit our Island, they must show respect to Our Island, Our Sea, Our Protocols/Our Culture, and Our People. Our land and seas belong to the Meriam People." - Mr. Falen Douglas Passi 

June 3 2022 marks the 30th anniversary of the historic decision by the High Court of Australia in the Mabo v Queensland (No 2). The High Court ruled that Meriam people were "entitled as against the whole world to possession, occupation, use and enjoyment of the lands of Murrary islands.." This decision by the High Court forever altered the foundation of land law in Australia and overturned the legal myth of ‘terra nullius’ (land belonging to no one). Five people brought the claim as individuals and for their clan groups. Eddie Mabo, Deacon Sam Passi, Reverend Dave Passi, James Rice, Celia Mapo Salee along with key witness Henry Kabere supplied evidence and spoke about their land, Meriam culture, and their traditions. They proved they could trace their land back historically, showed evidence of pre-settler coastal fish traps, and provided information of living in accordance with Malo's Law.



The Mabo Case is really about the law recognising Meriam people and all Torres Strait Islander peoples along with their culture, traditions, ownerships, and law.

"Sus Imri A Pulipuli Ekremar - It is for us to pursuing our land, our determination our way forward."

-Senior Meriam Elder Alo Tapim

"The highest court in the land recognised us as first peoples and accept our place as the owners of our lands and waters….think we have elevated our profile and enhanced our position drawing on the long held traditions and practices exercised by our forefathers”

-Mr Lui Ned David

"The Landmark High Court Decision…confirms our people's belonging to this ancient land and recognise our unique custodianship to our land and sea country. We stand proud as 'Owners' not 'Holders' of this ancient land and waters.”

-Mr Napau Pedro Stephen

“The Mabo Decision means to me that our laws are recognized by the High Court of Australia, which determined that our laws and customs must be respected and were in existence prior to colonization. This decision showed the world that all levels of government whether that be the Commonwealth, State, or Local governments, other stakeholders, and organizations or persons who visit Mer, that they must respect our laws and customs.”

- Mr. Falen Douglas Passi 

“This decision has allowed me to live a dream far away from home, stand tall on the other side of the world and proudly introduce myself as an Indigenous man of Australia. It has brought meaning and purpose to an absurd dream worth pursuing, comfortably knowing that any success was always going to be for the greater good of my people. Identity.  This past week I witnessed my own culture rich in life, thriving off the land, sea and the foundations set by our ancestors. All driven by highly passionate community members and topped off by an inspired generation of pure living enthusiastic kids immersed in their own culture. A resilient fight by Eddie Koiki Mabo, plaintiffs, community members and an undeniably rich culture, the decision on June 3, 1992 means - a powerful identity exists in someone so strong that dreams are chased, goals are achieved, giving back is possible and returning home is a feeling like you’ve never left. Strong foundation. Stronger identity. That’s what makes me a proud Australian."

- Patty Mills 


Patty Mills North Shore Classic Recap


Meet the Team: Matthew Adekponya